Sunday, December 11, 2011

Unleash your inner tiger! JOG/ RUN/LIVE!

Today I am weighing in at 246lbs! I started this journey at 250.4lbs on December 1st, 2011. So I am slowly losing weight. I am gearing up to move toward a wheat-free diet and using food combining principles but, I am not there yet. For now I am just trying to make exercise a habit and watch portions and generally improve my eating habits by adding vegetables and reducing carbs(I tend to overeat carbohydrates). So lets keep it going! I also just ordered some supplements online including chromium, and good old Vitamin D3. Here in the Pacific Northwest we tend to lack the proper amount of sunshine and as a result many folks out here are deficient in vitamin D3. I was tested a few months ago when I was pregnant with our second son and my levels were quite low. I started my levels at 17! (30-80ng/ml is considered 'normal range'.) Vitamin D is necessary for a whole host of processes in our bodies many of them poorly understood. Some of the more studied pathways indicate a need for Vitamin D in the absorption and utilization of calcium, hormone synthesis and in the prevention of flu. ?Some studies have also included Vitamin D as a possible treatment for seasonal affective mood disorder. So don't procrastinate get your level checked today and work with your doctor to get your level optimized. I feel sooo much better than I did and my level is still hovering at 29 but, it is a lot better than 17!  So anecdoctally I feel more energy, my appetite is less and more appropriate to what I actually need and my mood is much improved. I have heard similar stories from other folks including a husband and wife who swear it has helped them obsess less about food and have reduced cravings. So once again what do you have to lose? But please run your levels especially if you plan on doing any type of aggressive replacement regimen as toxicity is possible and easily preventable by getting your level checked periodically.
On another note a good friend of mine and I have made a commitment to finish a marathon together by august sometime...we are looking for a good race now. We may start with a 5K but, we shall see. Any other overweight or out-of-shape Portlanders want to join us? It is so exciting working on running for the sake of completing a goal like that makes it all so much more exciting. I have always had this fear due to my fat that if I ever needed to run from something well....I would probably lose. Now I want to be able to run and save my self if need be. I wanna be able to run from that tiger and live! So when I strap on my running shoes today I am going to be focused on discovering my inner tigress and that ferocious inner drive that I used to have in high school. That drive that had me in every club in the school, while in student government and getting straight A's. I am going to find that inner tigress and let her roar my way through a mile and half of pure jogging bliss.


  1. "I have always had this fear due to my fat that if I ever needed to run from something well....I would probably lose." Hahahaa! Me too! But I'm having a hard time getting motivated just yet.

  2. Your inner tiger has been focused on med school, passing your boards and licensing, becoming a wife and mother 2x's. I'd say your inner tiger is still alive and well! Now it's time for you to put that energy into your health and fitness! 4 pounds is alot! Keep the exercise going, your are firing on all cylinders now! Love you, Jaki

  3. Awesome! Way to go!

    By the way, I will definitely commit to doing a 5K with you!

    (Now a marathon, I don't really think so. I've never had that urge and I don't think I'll start now that I am getting into better shape.)

  4. I can feel your strength here. You will do this, naturally and easily. I can't wait to see you afterwards.
